A letter was sent to the President of the French Republic, H.E. Mr Emmanuel Macron.
For the Fifth Replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) in 2016, French Republic pledged EUR 1,080,000,000 to the Global Fund for the 2017 – 2019 allocation cycle.
The Government of the French Republic hosts the Sixth Replenishment conference of the Global Fund in Lyon, France on 9-10 of October 2019 which marks a major milestone in the fight against the three diseases; one that will decide on stepping up our fight or letting go our achievements.
In addition, the embassy of the French Republic in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam hosted an event in support of the Sixth Replenishment of the Global Fund on 19th of June 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam and the Embassy of the French Republic in the Republic of Senegal hosted another event in support of the Global Fund Sixth Replenishment on the 12th of September 2019 in Dakar, Senegal.