[Singapore, 22ndAugust 2019] Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP) applauds Switzerland for its highest ever contribution to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) with a pledge of CHF 64 million for the Sixth Replenishment of the Global Fund. The Swiss Federal Council approved this decision on the 21stAugust 2019 at a meeting held in Bern, Switzerland. The pledge represents close to a 10 percent increase from Switzerland’s pledge to the Global Fund Fifth Replenishment of CHF 57 million in 2016. Switzerland has contributed CHF 188.5 million and USD 7.478 million since the establishment of the Global Fund in 2002 to the Fifth Replenishment period.
“This increased pledge by the Swiss Government not only signifies its strong commitment to step up the fight against the three diseases but also showcases its trust in the Global Fund to deliver a world free of AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to the future generations. Communities and civil society in Asia-Pacific congratulate the Swiss Federal Council for their contribution to get back on track the fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and malaria through the Global Fund partnership with civil society, private sector and other stakeholders, which is at the heart of the work of the Global Fund,” said Dr Khuat Thi Hai Oanh, Chair of GFAN AP Steering Committee and Executive Director of the Centre for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (SCDI) in Vietnam.
Switzerland shares a seat with Canada and Australia on the Global Fund Board and plays a key role in initiating and shaping discussions on issues such as embedding the fight against the three diseases in the broader universal health coverage agenda, strengthening Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs), and promoting the role of communities and civil society, and the provision and access of health services to vulnerable and marginalized populations.
“Gender equality, health, addressing fragilities, advancing human rights, promoting peaceful, just and inclusive societies and good governance are among the key priorities in the Swiss Development and Cooperation agenda. This increased pledge to the Sixth Replenishment of the Global Fund from the Swiss Government showcases that impacts of the Global Fund aligns with the Swiss Development and Cooperation priorities and will also contribute to sustaining strong community responses and strengthen community systems for resilient and sustainable systems for health, as well as towards systems for good governance and accountability,” said Mr Asghar Satti, National Coordinator, Association of People Living with HIV (APLHIV) Pakistan and member on the CCM of Pakistan representing HIV communities and associated Key Populations.
This year, the Global Fund embarked on its Sixth Replenishment process to raise at least US$14 billion which will contribute towards saving 16 million lives, cutting the mortality rate of HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria in half, and contribute towards stronger health systems by 2023. The unwavering support of Switzerland towards Global Health and the role of communities and civil society in Global Fund programmes through the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment will present us with an opportunity towards the acceleration of progress towards SDG 3 through building and strengthening resilient systems for health; reinforcing health security; spurring domestic investment of US$ 46 billion; tackling inequalities in health including gender- and human rights-related barriers to access; and yielding a return on investment of 1:19 with every dollar invested.
Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific
Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP) is a platform of community and civil society advocates for a fully funded Global Fund. It supports community and civil society mobilisation in the areas of increased domestic financing for HIV, TB and malaria responses; increased donor contributions towards the Global Fund; and ensuring that policy frameworks on health financing take into account community, rights and gender issues. Please visit www.gfanasiapacific.org for more information or contact Rachel Ong, Regional Coordinator at rachel.ong@gfanasiapacific.org, or Niluka Perera, Communications and Coordination Officer at Niluka.perera@gfanasiapacific.org