Asia-Pacific Networks & Organisations Responses to COVID-19
> Communities & Civil Society Actions and Solidarity in Response to COVID-19 > Asia-Pacific Networks & Organisations Responses to COVID-19
In view of the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19 worldwide and its impact on the welfare of the general population, APCOM Foundation has developed a Precautionary Protocol as general guidance and advice for APCOM Secretariat against the possible spread of the virus.
APCOM has also initiated discussions with partner organisations and communities they work with to gather information about the COVID-19 situation in their countries, its effects to the community, and the immediate needs arising from the pandemic. A series of stories and articles have been developed from the information gathered and through this series, APCOM aims to reflect the realities on the ground faced by the constituents they serve, which might be missed out in the present COVID-19 narratives. The full set of stories can be accessed here. APCOM would like to acknowledge their country partners and communities in building this first set of information on the effects of COVID-19 and hope to collect and build on the voices from the ground to cover more countries from the Asia Pacific region.
APCOM has also created a #CoronaAPCOMpassion relief fund mechanism to support HIV and LGBTQI community in Asia Pacific, where the initial startup of the fund was through voluntary donations of parts of APCOM staff salaries.
National partners with APCOM have also released “A collective call for immediate response amid COVID-19 outbreak and government lockdowns” which sets out recommendations to donors and supporters on health services and programmes, and operational and organisational needs of regional networks and community-based organisations.

APTN has launched two statements with regard to trans communities in Asia-Pacific region in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. The statements could be accessed through the links below;
Youth Voice Count (YVC) is currently gathering information from members in East and South East Asia on ongoing emergency responses to COVID-19 for young LGBT people and young key populations in the region.
YVC will be leading several dialogues with its members in the coming weeks on how members across the region are responding and dealing with the pandemic. Although the dialogues will be largely focused on possible human rights violations against young LGBTQI people on the basis of their SOGIESC, the dialogues will also look at the effects of the pandemic on young people living with HIV.