GFAN AP shares its report on its work alongside partners leading up to the successful outcomes of the Sixth Replenishment.

Entitled “Collective Impact” the report aims to capture the collective and relentless efforts of communities and civil society in the Asia-Pacific region leading up to the Sixth Replenishment.

Once again, we would like to thank all the colleagues and supporters that have worked relentlessly alongside us for the successful outcomes – many of whom have put in their own time and resources to do so. We would also like to specifically thank our civil society colleagues and friends from donor countries, especially from France, as well as our partners Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN) and GFAN Africa, and the Global Civil Society Network for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME); as well as the Global Fund Secretariat – including Peter Sands, colleagues in External Relations Division, and CRG Department. 

As we shift our focuses to make the money work, we are reminded that this outcome would not have been possible without the collective efforts of all because when the fight is hardest…


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