Communities & Civil Society Responds to COVID-19 in Sri Lanka

> Communities & Civil Society Actions and Solidarity in Response to COVID-19 > Communities & Civil Society Responds to COVID-19 in Sri Lanka

CARE Consortium comprising of Young Out Here (YOH), National Transgender Network (NTN) and Diversity and Solidarity Trust (DAST) in partnership with APCASO and GFAN AP have launched a series of surveys and Key Informant Interviews targeting key populations, PLHIV community and key stakeholders to gather information on the impact of COVID-19 on the key populations, PLHIV community and on the implementation of the Global Fund-supported national HIV prevention program under the National STD AIDS Control Program and the Family Planning association Sri Lanka as PRs.

CARE Consortium expects to use the data gathered through this exercise in community engagement and advocacy during the country dialogue process that is expected to be commenced in the last Quarter of 2020. Sri Lanka is expecting to submit its Funding Request for the HIV component to the Global Fund in Quarter One of 2021.

Lanka Plus, an organization working with PLHIV community in Sri Lanka has initiated a process in collaboration with the National STD AIDS Control Program (NSACP) and the Family Planning Association (FPA) Sri Lanka, PR1 and PR2 of the Global Fund National HIV Grant to support PLHIV who are on ARVs to access their ARVs without interruption during the islandwide curfew. Lanka Plus will be reaching out to PLHIV and gather information on the availability of their ARVs and will work with the NSACP and FPA to either deliver ARVs to their residence or support the individuals to visit the nearest ARV centre.