The Global Fund has supported Cambodia since 2003 with disbursements of over US$ 551 million to date for HIV, malaria, TB, RSSH and TB/HIV programmes. In addition, Cambodia is part of the following Global Fund multicountry grants – Multicountry Asia IHAA, Multicountry East Asia and Pacific APN, Multicountry East Asia and Pacific RAI, and Multicountry TB Asia TEAM.
Even though investments by Cambodia and the Global Fund are yielding positive results, Cambodia still has one of the highest HIV burdens in Asia; is one of the top 30 TB high burden countries in the world; and is the epicentre of the artemisinin drug resistance of the MEKONG region. The country is however making significant progress in eliminating mother-to-child transmission and is working towards achieving elimination of HIV transmission by 2030. In addition, 23 out of 25 districts in Cambodia have reached malaria pre-elimination status.
As part of the Technical Evaluation Reference Group 2017 – 2022 Evaluation, Prospective Country Evaluations (PCEs) were established in eight countries, including Cambodia. to generate ongoing evidence on programme implementation in order to accelerate progress towards the objectives of the Global Fund 2017 – 22 Strategy.
About the action
The action in Cambodia is led by KHANA with the support of the following partners.
On 9th March, KHANA and Cambodian partners prepared for the Global Week of Action.
Delivery of letters
Letters were hand delivered during the Global Week of Action by KHANA to the the following donor embassies/consulates – Australia, Canada, China, European Union Delegation, France, German, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain, Thailand, Vietnam and United States.
On 17th March, colleagues met with and presented the letter to Clarissa Veylon-Hervet, Regional Counselor for Global Health of the French Embassy in Phnom Penh.

On 18th March, colleagues met with and presented the letter to Honorary Consul Willem Phillip Barnaart of the Dutch Honorary Consulate in Phnom Penh.