Cameroon is both a donor to the Global Fund and an implementing partner of Global Fund supported programmes.
Cameroon has been a recipient country of the Global Fund since 2005 and has been disbursed over US$ 803 million for HIV, TB, TB/HIV and malaria programmes. Cameroon pledged for the first time at the Sixth Replenishment of the Global Fund with XAF 3 billion.
With the support from Global Fund Cameroon is achieving good progress in terms of prevention, diagnosis and treatment coverage for the three diseases. From 2010 to 2020, new HIV infections and HIV-related mortality declined by 57% and 47% respectively, while estimated malaria deaths declined by 12% from 2010 to 2019. The TB treatment success rate had reached 84% by 2019.
As part of the operationalisation of Strategic Objective 3 of the Global Fund Strategy 2017 – 2022, the Breaking Down Barriers Initiative was initiated in 2020 of which Cameroon was partook. As part of this initiative, a Baseline Assessment was conducted in 2020. The Cameroon report observed that the National Strategic Plan for HIV or TB had human rights language and implied human rights commitments, but these were not adequately budgeted for or made concrete through implemented programs. The Cameroon assessment was also one of several noting that constant pressure to attain the 90-90- 90 HIV goals articulated by UNAIDS was not well understood by health workers as something requiring attention to human rights-related barriers.
About the action
The action in Cameroon is led by Approche Participative, Développement et Santé de Proximité (APDSP) with the support of the following partners.
united kingdom
The Orizuru (origami paper crane) is considered to be the most classic of all Japanese origami. The crane is a symbol of success and good fortune in Japanese culture and the origami paper crane is a symbol of peace, love, and hope, and healing during challenging times.
European Commission
The Orizuru (origami paper crane) is considered to be the most classic of all Japanese origami. The crane is a symbol of success and good fortune in Japanese culture and the origami paper crane is a symbol of peace, love, and hope, and healing during challenging times.
The Orizuru (origami paper crane) is considered to be the most classic of all Japanese origami. The crane is a symbol of success and good fortune in Japanese culture and the origami paper crane is a symbol of peace, love, and hope, and healing during challenging times.
Letters sent
The Orizuru (origami paper crane) is considered to be the most classic of all Japanese origami. The crane is a symbol of success and good fortune in Japanese culture and the origami paper crane is a symbol of peace, love, and hope, and healing during challenging times.