Republic of the Congo

The Republic of the Congo has is both a donor to the Global Fund and implementer of Global Fund supported programmes. 

Congo pledged for the first time at the Sixth Replenishment of the Global Fund with US$ 5.5 million, and as a recipient country has been disbursed over US$ 136.5 million for HIV, TB, malaria and TB/HIV programmes since 2006. 

New grants to Congo by the Global Fund in 2021, worth over US$ 64 million represents a 97% increase from the previous three-year allocation cycle for the implementation period of 2021 – 2023. 

Global Fund investments in Congo have helped to expand access to essential HIV and TB treatment – with approximately  26,000 people living with HIV put on antiretroviral therapy and 12,000 patients are tested and treated for TB every year. In 2019 alone, more than 2.6 million mosquito nets were distributed to protect families against malaria.


 About the action

The action in Republic of the Congo is led by Plate-forme des ONGs et Associations de Lutte contre le Paludisme au Congo (POALP) with the support of following organisations. 





 united kingdom

The Orizuru (origami paper crane) is considered to be the most classic of all Japanese origami. The crane is a symbol of success and good fortune in Japanese culture and the origami paper crane is a symbol of peace, love, and hope, and healing during challenging times.


 Social Media

POALP joined us on social media to support the Global Week of Action!

Find out more on how you can support here.