Rwanda has been a recipient country of the Global Fund since 2004 and has been disbursed over US$1.5 billion for HIV, TB and malaria.
Since 2014, the Global Fund has implemented a Results Based Financing model in Rwanda, the only major portfolio with such a model. The model, known as National Strategy Financing, emphasizes country ownership, allocates funding in support of costed National Strategic Plans, and allows for flexible use of funds within pre-defined parameters.
With the support of the Global Fund, in Rwanda,
- Between 2010 and 2020, the number of AIDS-related deaths decreased by 59%, from approximately 5,900 in 2010 to approximately 2,500 in 2020.
- The proportion of people living with HIV receiving antiretroviral drugs more than doubled, from 89,000 in 2010 to 207,000 in 2020.
- Between 2010 and 2020, coverage of medication that prevents mother-to-child transmission of HIV increased from 59% to 98%.
- TB mortality in the country declined by 40% between 2012 and 2020. Between 2020 and 2021, the number of malaria cases decreased by 41%.
- During the last long-lasting insecticidal net campaign in 2019 and 2020, Rwanda successfully distributed 5.57 million nets and in 12 districts targeted for indoor residual spraying, 99% of the population was covered.
The country is also part of the Multicountry Africa ECSA-HC grant supported by the Global Fund.
Rwanda is one of the five African countries that co-hosted the Preparatory Meeting of the Seventh Replenishment of the Global Fund on 23-24 February 2022. The country is both a donor to the Global Fund and an implementer of Global Fund-supported programs. Rwanda pledged US$2.5 million for the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment, covering 2020-2022.
Through the Global Fund partnership, the Rockefeller Data Science Catalytic Fund, Mastercard and Microsoft have supported Rwanda’s Ministry of Health as well as the Rwanda Information Society Authority to develop best-in-class data standards. The program helps to ensure important health data is captured, managed, secured and shared in a seamless and consistent manner across all levels of the health system. It also ensures that various systems speak to each other to enable timely access to data from the community right up to the national level to inform decision-making and disease management (Learn more).
About the action
The action in Rwanda is led by Rwanda Network of NGOs with the support of the following partners.

united kingdom
The Orizuru (origami paper crane) is considered to be the most classic of all Japanese origami. The crane is a symbol of success and good fortune in Japanese culture and the origami paper crane is a symbol of peace, love, and hope, and healing during challenging times.
European Commission
The Orizuru (origami paper crane) is considered to be the most classic of all Japanese origami. The crane is a symbol of success and good fortune in Japanese culture and the origami paper crane is a symbol of peace, love, and hope, and healing during challenging times.
The Orizuru (origami paper crane) is considered to be the most classic of all Japanese origami. The crane is a symbol of success and good fortune in Japanese culture and the origami paper crane is a symbol of peace, love, and hope, and healing during challenging times.
Letters sent
The Orizuru (origami paper crane) is considered to be the most classic of all Japanese origami. The crane is a symbol of success and good fortune in Japanese culture and the origami paper crane is a symbol of peace, love, and hope, and healing during challenging times.