Uganda is both a donor to the Global Fund and an implementer of Global Fund supported programmes. Since 2001, Uganda has pledged US$ 5.5 million and for the Sixth Replenishment of the Global Fund pledged US$ 2 million.
Since 2003, over US$ 2.28 billion worth of grants have been signed with the Global Fund for implementation in of HIV, TB, HIV/TB, Malaria and RSSH programmes in Uganda. Uganda is also involved in Global Fund supported Multicountry grants – Multicountry Africa ECSA-HC, Multicountry Eastern Africa ANECCA, Multicountry Eastern Africa IGAD, Multicountry Eastern Africa KANCO, Multicountry Southern Africa ARASA, and Multicountry TB WC Africa NTP/SRL.
Uganda is part of the Breaking Down Barriers Initiative which was initiated in 2020 to operationalise Strategic Objective 3 of the Global Fund Strategy 2017 – 2022. As part of this initiative, a Baseline Assessment was conducted in 2018, a Mid-term Assessment was completed in 2021 and produced the National Strategic Plan to Reduce Human Related Barriers to HIV and TB Services: Uganda 2020 – 2024.
About the action
The action in Uganda is led by WACI Health with the support of the following country partners
Preparations: Pictures
Communities and civil society in Uganda met on the 8th March 2022 to prepare for the Global Week of Action by folding origami cranes!
Preparations: VIDEOS
Communities and civil society in Uganda met on the 8th March 2022 to prepare for the Global Week of Action by folding origami cranes!
Letters sent
Letters were sent to the following donor Embassies or High Consulates of the United States, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Canada, European Commission, Sweden, Italy, Netherlands, Australia, Norway, Belgium, Spain and Switzerland.
Social Media
Colleagues in Uganda joined us on social media for the Global Week of Action.
Find out more on how you can support here.