Press Release
Communities and Civil Society come together for a fully resourced Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
On 22 June 2022, over 85 communities and civil society representatives came together in Jakarta, Indonesia to strategise for a fully resourced Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The meeting was joined by representatives from the Global Fund Secretariat who shared updates on the Replenishment process and key priority areas and messages. This meeting was co-organised by Yayasan Spiritia and Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP).
The meeting was moderated by Daniel Marguari, CEO of Yayasan Spiritia and held in Bahasa Indonesian and English translation was provided. The agenda of the meeting and relevant presentations are as follows:
- Updates on the Global Fund Seventh Replenishment. Pauline Mazue, Advocacy Specialist, Political and Civil Society Advocacy Department, External Relations and Communications Division. Download Presentation.
- Overview of efforts of civil society globally. Quentin Batreau, Communications & Advocacy Officer, Global Fund Advocates Network. Download Presentation.
- Introducing Meet The Target Campaign. Marilyne Noah, Programs Assistant, Impact Santé Afrique. Download Presentation.
- Efforts in the Asia-Pacific and “In Extraordinary Times… The Power of More” Campaign. Rachel Ong, Regional Coordinator, GFAN AP. Download Presentation.
- Overview of the importance of Global Fund investments in Indonesia. Meirinda Sebayang, Chair of Jaringan Positif Indonesia. Download Presentation.
- Key messages from the Indonesia Investment Case 2021. Rahmat Hidayat, Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Manager, Yayasan Spiritia. Download Presentation.
Following the presentations, participants both in person and online engaged in discussions on strategising on next ways forwards, including call for the Government of Indonesia to also pledge towards the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment in solidarity. For more details, please refer to the press release below.