The Last Mile!
Communities & Civil Society call upon all donors of the Global Fund to #MeetTheTarget of
at least US$18 billion!
With less than a week left to the Pledging Conference of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund), we stand in solidarity with communities and civil society everyone in reminding donors to put the money where their mouth is and pledge at least US$18 billion for the Seventh Replenishment.
The Seventh Replenishment Conference will be hosted by United States President Joe Biden on 21 September 2022 in New York City, United Sates. The United States has pledged up to US$6 billion, committing to match every US$2 from other donors with US$1. Not achieving the remaining US$12 billion means that we will leave money on the table and lose the vital opportunity with less than eight years to 2030 to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals!
As part of the last mile efforts from GFAN AP, this short video shares what it means for communities living with, affected by and/or vulnerable to HIV, TB and malaria for the Global Fund to be able to be successfully replenished with at least US$18 billion!

Abhina Aher
Member of the India Working Group for Health Advocacy and Transgender Activist

Jazmine Wright
Youth Advocate, Results Australia

Rosemary Mburu
Executive Director, WACI Health

Peter Weissner
Advocacy and Public Relations Officer, Action against AIDS Germany

Miranda Ndolo Ekema
Program Officer, Women4GlobalFund