About Us
The Story
The Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP) was established in April 2014 at a first meeting co-organised by the Communities Delegation to the Board of the Global Fund (Communities Delegation) and the Global Fund Advocates network (GFAN) and hosted by the Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV and 7 Sisters Network on 9th and 10th April 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting brought together 27 representatives of regional networks of Key Affected Populations, Communities and Civil Society Delegations on the Board of the Global Fund, civil society organisations, and representatives from the Global Fund Secretariat. The meeting founded GFAN AP recognisng the need for a more consolidated and concerted effort on advocacy and lobbying by community and civil society networks/organisations in the Asia-Pacific for the Global Fund. Download the Meeting Report here.
The first working group that resulted from the meeting comprised of Tracey Tully (Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers), Malu Marin (7 Sisters), Rodelyn Marte (APCASO), Laurindo Garcia (B-Change), Blessina Kumar (Global Coalition of TB Activists), and Ms Ting Ting Shen (Asia Catalyst). Under their guidance, GFAN AP has evolved to mobilise community and civil society advocates and activist across Asia Pacific region to advocate for a fully funded Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund). GFAN AP, actively engage with national, regional and global community and civil society advocates and activists to advocate for increased and sustainable domestic financing for health, Universal Health Coverage and to enable policy frame works on health financing that are people and human rights centred. More information on the current membership of the Steering Committee is available here.
On top of the key areas and priorities above, as a platform that brings together collective action for collective impact, we also initiate and support powerful action of GFAN AP partners at global, regional and national levels and strive to ensure Asia Pacific participation and contribution in the global social movement in support of the Global Fund, including participation from implementing countries and current or potential new donor countries.
Our Theory of Change
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