The Global Fund Strategy provides a multiyear roadmap for its priorities to accelerate progress against HIV, TB and malaria, and improve global health. The Global Fund Strategy 2017 – 2022: Investing to End Epidemics outlined the partnership’s bold agenda based on an ambitious vision to end the epidemics with the following core four strategic objectives:
In 2020 the Global Fund began its process to develop its Post-2022 strategy through an open consultation by identifying the most pressing challenges and opportunities in the fight against the three diseases; building resilient and sustainable systems for health; promoting and protecting human rights and gender equality; and mobilising resources.
The Global Fund is convening representatives from across the Global Fund Partnership at the 6th Partnership Forums to review input, evidence and guidance received on strategy development to help identify areas of future focus for the next Global Fund Strategy – the framework of which is due to be approved by the Board mid-2021, and the final strategy narrative document at the end of 2021.
In 2020, Communities and Civil Society groups, networks and organisations started to organise themselves in the Asia-Pacific region as they did in 2015 in preparation for the 5th Partnership Forum that developed the regional statement “The Global Fund That We Want“.
Various consultations were held in 2020, including a regional consultation “Towards the Global Fund That We Still Want” co-convened by APCASO, host of the APCRG Platform, and Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP), and in partnership with regional key populations and civil society organisation networks and platforms: Activists Coalitions for TB Asia-Pacific (ACT! AP), Regional Malaria CSO Platform Greater Mekong Sub-Region, Asia-Pacific Network of People Living with HIV (APN+), Asia-Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW), Asia-Pacific Transgender Network (APTN), International Community of Women Living with HIV Asia-Pacific (ICW AP), Asian Network of People who Use Drugs (ANPUD), Youth Voices Count (YVC), and Youth LEAD which produced the draft statement “The Global Fund That We Still Want” which was refined with further inputs based on additional consultations held by country and regional partners in the first two weeks of February 2021. For more information on ongoing country consultations and regional consultations organised by our partners, please click here.
This resulted in the Statement “The Global Fund That We Still Want” from 14 regional and/or country consultations with the participation of 330 individuals and representatives of people living with and/or affected by the three diseases, or civil society organisations working across or on HIV, TB and malaria in the Asia-Pacific region.
“The Global Fund That We Still Want” video, is an audiovisual adaptation of “The Global Fund That We Still Want”, Asia-Pacific communities & civil society statement for the post-2022 strategy of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund).
The video specifically calls for the Global Fund:
- To put the money where its mouth is on CRG and CSS;
- To effectively fulfil its mandate on HIV, TB and malaria, first and foremost;
- To Continue to put CRG and CSS approaches as cornerstones of pandemic and health emergency responses;
- That is truly global – one that does not leave key, vulnerable, and marginalised communities behind, regardless of their country income classification; and
- That is fully resourced.
The video was developed by GFAN AP with the support of regional and country key population, community and civil society networks and organisations and was launched on 27th of February 2021, featuring communities and civil society representatives from Indonesia, Bhutan, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka and Vietnam as below:

Tashi Tseten
Co-Founder of Queer Voices

Ani Hernasari
Vice-Chair of POP TB

Dr Htin Kyaw Thu
Myanmar (based in Thailand)
Civil Society Representative (Alternate) to the RAI Regional Steering Committee, Mekong Subregion

Satya Baashi
Sri Lanka
Trans Activist & Board Member of Young Out Here

Cathy Ketepa
Papua New Guinea
National Coordinator of Friends Frangipani, Chairperson of Key Population Advocacy Consortium, and CCM KP Representative
Relevant News & Updates
Consultations and Reports on The Global Fund That We Still Want
Read on to access reports from the regional and country consultations in preparation the Post-2022 Global Fund Strategy Development Process from the Asia-Pacific
Consultation on The Global Fund That We Still Want!
Provide your comments and feedback to the draft statement “The Global Fund That We Still Want” and make your voices heard for the Post-2022 Strategy of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.