Over the years, G7 leaders have always acknowledged and recognised the importance and expressed their support for the important contributions of the Global Fund to global health. With 2030 around the corner, the deadline to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the focus on ending HIV, TB and malaria as epidemics is now more crucial than ever. Ending these current diseases as epidemics will bring us closer to PPPR and achieving UHC for all and leaving no one behind.
As communities living with, affected by and/or vulnerable to HIV, TB and malaria and civil society across the world, we urge you to press for language in the G7 leaders communiqué that recommits to ending the epidemics of AIDS, TB and malaria by 2030 and calls for additional commitments to meet the Global Funds 7th Replenishment target.
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335 people have signed the letter!
Table of Signatories
Name | Organization | Country |
David Chandra Harwindo | Kanti Sehati | Indonesia |
Siwi Arianti | KP Mahakam Plus | Indonesia |
Beth Wawira | Smart Child Kenya | Kenya |
Syahri | Yayasan Intan Maharani | Indonesia |
Anisa Rifqi Damayanti | PKBI Kota Semarang | Indonesia |
Samsul Rani | LKKNU Kalimantan Selatan | Indonesia |
I Made Karya | Yayasan Gaya Dewata | Indonesia |
Joko Hadi Purnomo | Yayasan Vesta Indonesia | Indonesia |
Luvhi Pamungkas | Yayasan Srikandi Pasundan | Indonesia |
Aan Prasetya | Yayasan Kalandara | Indonesia |
Risya Islami | YPK eLSA | Indonesia |
Asmuran Gautama | PKBI Kaltim | Indonesia |
Bambang Sumantri | Yayasan Bina Muda Gemilang | Indonesia |
Agus S | PKBI CIREBON | Indonesia |
Hanjar Makhmucik | Yayasan Redline Indonesia | Indonesia |
Anang Winarto | Yayasan TEKAD | Indonesia |
Tedi Kholiludin | Yayasan Pemberdayaan Komunitas ELSA | Indonesia |
Abdul Gafur | Yayasan Mitra Husada Sulawesi Selatan | Indonesia |
Ahmad Nafis | FKPB Batang | Indonesia |
Riyanto Riyanto | Yayasan Gaya Patriot Bekasi | Indonesia |