Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP) is a platform of community and civil society advocates for a fully funded Global Fund. It supports community and civil society mobilisation in the areas of increased domestic financing for HIV, TB and malaria responses; increased donor contributions towards the Global Fund; and ensuring that policy frameworks on health financing take into account community, rights and gender issues.
What’s New
Zero Malaria Starts with Increased Investments & Political Commitment
Ahead of World Malaria Day on 25th April 2020, Global Network of Civil Society for Malaria...
GFAN AP Quarterly Brief 1 Year 2020
GFAN AP shares its work in the first three months of 2020, during a time where the world has seen...
Asia-Pacific Regional Networks and Organisations Responses to COVID-19
Find out more about how COVID-19 is affecting people living with and affected by the three diseases in Asia-Pacific Region, and how regional networks of communities and civil society organisations are responding.