
The following resources and materials are available for communities and civil society partners for the Seventh Replenishment of the Global Fund.
Guides & Toolkits

Global Week of Action social media and communications toolkit
Download the Global Week of Action Social Media and Communications Toolkit here.

GFAN Preparatory Meeting & investment case social media assets and messaging
GFAN created some sample messages to use on social media for your Seventh Replenishment Advocacy, with visual assets centred on community voices from their GFAN Speakers here. Materials are available in English and French.
Sticker Pack for Social Communications
Introducing a more fun way of integrating the campaign into your everyday life. GFAN AP has developed a social media sticker pack with 24 unique stickers featuring the origami Paper Crane and/ origami African Elephant.
Click here for the guide to download and use the #BetterTogether Sticker Pack User Guide in English with information on how to access the stickers.

Card Designs for the Global Week of Action Letters
For printing (.PNG files), please download for the A4 cover and back here; and US Letter cover and back here. It is recommended that you print the card on 250 gsm (weight of) paper.
For email letters (.PDF files), please download the A4 cover and back here; and the US Letter cover and back here. Please insert the cover and back into your final PDF files prior to sending.
Social Media Graphics
Social media graphics in English and French have been developed for use across different platforms.
Click here to access and download!

Powerpoint templates
“In Extraordinary Times…The Power of More” campaign PowerPoint Templates will provide you with guidance on the structure of your physical and/or virtual meetings!. (Coming Soon)

background graphics for your devices
Background graphics for your computer, mobile and table devices will be available soon! (Coming Soon)
Reports and Documents
Accelerating to the Finish: Increasing Sustainable Financing for HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria Responses in Asia-Pacific to Achieve the 2030 Targets
Download GFAN AP’s synthesis which presents the current situation of the HIV, TB and Malaria responses in the Asia-Pacific region against targets and commitments, and highlights key findings and makes the case for further investments. Download the Executive Summary in English, and the full report in English.
Fully Fund the Global Fund: Get Back on Track to End AIDS, TB and Malaria in a COVID World and issue briefs
In November 2021, GFAN released its civil society ask for the Seventh Replenishment, titled Fully Fund the Global Fund: Get Back On Track to End AIDS, TB and Malaria which had a monetary ask of USD 28.5 billion.
GFAN has released companion pieces to the report: short briefs covering different issues developed in consultation with a diverse group of civil society partners and are meant to be able to create consensus around the issue covered.
GFAN Investment Case Advocacy Brief
GFAN has summarised the Investment case into an Advocacy Brief which provides key messages and speaking points.
In Extraordinary Times… the Power of More
Watch, share on FaceBook and your social media platforms this video created by GFAN AP “In Extraordinary Times…The Power of More” which brings across key messages from communities and civil society and features four leaders from the Asia-Pacific region calling for increased pledges for Seventh Replenishment of the Global Fund. Video in English. Video in Japanese. (Coming Soon)
Global Fund Video: Fight for what counts – today, tomorrow, until the job is finished.
Twenty years after the Global Fund was created, the world is in crisis again. We must fight for what counts – to defeat HIV, TB and malaria, end health inequity and protect humanity from pandemics. The Global Fund is calling on the world to mobilize US$18 billion to save 20 million lives. Because who, if not us? And when, if not now? This is our fight. This is what counts. Find out more here.
GFAN Speakers bureau – fully fund the global fund video 2022
Watch and use for your advocacy GFAN’s Fully Fund the Global Fund Video, a combination of interviews with six speakers of GFAN’s Speaker’s Bureau. Also available are shorter (2 minutes) vignettes here.
Statements, Interviews and Press Releases

Thank you to the United States for Hosting the Seventh Replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in 2022!
Working with GFAN Africa and CS4ME, a letter was sent by communities and civil society partners across Asia-Pacific and Africa via email to the US Embassies in their respective countries, congratulating the Biden-Harris Administration for hosting the Seventh Replenishment of the Global Fund. In addition, a twitter campaign was held on the 18th November 2021.

Interviews with leaders from the community by Action Against AIDS Germany
Action against AIDS Germany co-organised the International Virtual Conference on 1st December 2021 “Global Health Germany?! From HIV to SARS-CoV-2 – What have we (not) learned?“.
For the International Virtual Conference, Action against AIDS Germany produced a series of stories interviewing leaders from the community:
- Interview with Ani Herna Sari from Indonesia, MDR-TB survivor, activist and member of the Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN) Speakers Bureau. Available here.
- Interview with Joyce Ouma from Kenya, youth activist and member of the Communities Delegation to the Global Fund Board. Available here.
- Interview with Gautam Yadav from India, LGBT and HIV activist and member of the GFAN Speakers Bureau. Available here.
- Interview with Naomi Wanjiru from Kenya, nurse and community activist. Available here.
CS4ME, GFAN Africa and GFAN AP Applaud the Co-Hosting of the Seventh Replenishment Preparatory Meeting by Sub-Saharan Countries
A communities and civil society statement congratulating the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Kenya, the Republic of Rwanda, the Republic of Senegal, and the Republic of South Africa for hosting the Preparatory Meeting of the Seventh Replenishment of the Global Fund.
Civil Society Statement on the Investment Case for the Seventh Replenishment
A statement by communities and civil society on the Investment Case for the Seventh Replenishment of the Global Fund calling on all donors to close the resource gap and support the Global Fund with at least USD 24 billion to fight the three diseases.