A letter was sent to the Prime Minster of the Commonwealth of Australia, Honorable Scott Morrison MP.
For the Fifth Replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) in 2016, the Commonwealth of Australia pledged AUD 200,000,000 to the Global Fund for the 2017 – 2019 allocation cycle
The Commonwealth of Australia aims to continue to invest in the region’s prosperity through fighting threats such as infectious diseases among other priorities as part of its development assistance. As a delivery strategy on its development assistance, the Commonwealth of Australia aims to pursue a regionally integrated and global approach to key cross‐cutting and transitional issues, such as education, health, human rights, gender equality, disability inclusion, stability, and environmental problems that directly affect the interests of the Commonwealth of Australia. The impact of Global Fund aligns with Australia’s development assistance strategies. Apart from directly contributing to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and malaria, it also promotes gender equality and addresses human rights barriers through its grants. The Global Fund insists on the meaningful engagement of women throughout the design and implementation of the programmes it funds. The Global Fund also provides funding for education and economic empowerment programmes for adolescent girls and young women, who are disproportionately affected by HIV. Therefore, the Global Fund can be seen as an essential element of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Plan of the Commonwealth of Australia.