Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP) is a platform of community and civil society advocates for a fully funded Global Fund. It supports community and civil society mobilisation in the areas of increased domestic financing for HIV, TB and malaria responses; increased donor contributions towards the Global Fund; and ensuring that policy frameworks on health financing take into account community, rights and gender issues.
What’s New
Introducing our new Communications Officer, Ken Khoo
GFAN AP introduces Ken Khoo who joins the Secretariat as the Communications Officer!
Asia-Pacific is ready to support the Global Fund Eighth Replenishment!
Read more about the GFAN AP first face-to-face Steering Committee Meeting and the Strategising Meeting “Towards the Global Fund Eighth Replenishment: The Asia-Pacific Response” which conceptualises the GFAN AP supported Asia-Pacific campaign for the Eighth Replenishment of the Global Fund.
GFAN AP Updates Call 13 June 2024
On 13 June 2024, GFAN AP held an update webinar to inform partners on the activities that it had conducted in the past months as well as shared plans for the coming months.