India Working Group for Health Advocacy

> India Working Group for Health Advocacy

India Working Group for Health Advocacy

The India Working Group for Health Advocacy (IWG) was established at the India Communities and Civil Society Preliminary Meeting for the 6th Global Fund Preparatory Meeting co-organised by GFAN AP and National Coalition of People  Living with HIV in India (NCPI+) and hosted by the India HIV/AIDS Alliance on the 13th October 2018 in New Delhi, India.

The initial membership of the IWG included Ms Abhina Aher (Association Director: Sexuality, Gender & Rights, India HIV/AIDS Alliance), Ms Blessina Kumar (Chief Executive Officer, Global Coalition of TB Activists – GCTA), Ms Daxa Patel (President, NCPI+), Mr Masaki Inaba (Programme Director for Global Health, Africa Japan Forum – AJF), Ms Shampa Nag (Steering Committee Member for Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME) and Consultant for Caritas India), Mr Loon Gangte (Regional Coordinator for South Asia, International Treatment Preparedness Coalition – ITPC) , and Ms Sonal Mehta (Chief Executive Director, India HIV/AIDS Alliance).

The IWG was initially formed to mobilise efforts of communities and civil society in India leading up to the Preparatory Meeting and Pledging Conference – towards advocating for the doubling of the pledge of the Government of India from the Fifth Replenishment from US$20 million and to other donors. It has evolved since its formation, recognising its crucial role in influencing national health policy and budgetary processes to advocate for inclusive and sustainable health financing and relevant policies and processes.

Follow IWG on Twitter – @iwgindia


Abhina Aher

Abhina Aher

I-TECH India
Technical Expert, Key Populations

Aman Shukla

Aman Shukla

PLAN India
Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator for AHANA

Amit Singh Gusain

Amit Singh Gusain

National Coalition of People Living with HIV in India (NCPI+)
Linkage Coordinator

Blessina Kumar

Blessina Kumar

Global Coalition of TB Activists (GCTA)

Daxa Patel

Daxa Patel

National Coalition of People Living with HIV in India (NCPI+)
Executive Board Member

Sonal Mehta

Sonal Mehta

International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
Regional Director, South Asia Region

Dr. Shampa Nag

Dr. Shampa Nag

CS4ME Steering Committee Member and Caritas India Consultant

Sylvester Merchant

Sylvester Merchant

Coordinator – IWG



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Meeting with the Embassy of Switzerland – August 2022

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Meeting with the Royal Norwegian Embassy – August 2022

Meeting with the Royal Norwegian Embassy – August 2022

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India Says Thank You to Global Fund Sixth Replenishment Heroes

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