GFAN AP Briefs
GFAN AP Updates Call 13 June 2024
On 13 June 2024, GFAN AP held an update webinar to inform partners on the activities that it had conducted in the past months as well as shared plans for the coming months.
GFAN AP 2021 Brief #1
Read more to find out what GFAN AP alongside partners have been up to in the first half of 2021 in this issue of the brief!
GFAN AP Quarterly Brief 1 Year 2020
GFAN AP shares its work in the first three months of 2020, during a time where the world has seen unprecedented health and economy impacts from a communicable disease within the short span of three months. With COVID-19, Communities and populations around the world...
GFAN AP Brief for April & May 2019
Presenting the C20 Policy Pack at the Korean Civil Society Policy Forum for G20, Photo Courtesy of Africa Insight GFAN AP engaged in a number of...
Communities & Civil Society Brief on the Sixth Replenishment Preparatory Meeting – 7 & 8 February, New Delhi, India
Communities and civil society representatives attended the Sixth Replenishment Preparatory Meeting of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) hosted by the Government of India, the first time that a Replenishment Meeting was hosted by an...
World AIDS Day 2024
This statement is jointly released by Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP), communities and civil society across Asia-Pacific to call on leaders to ‘take the rights path’ towards ending AIDS as an epidemic. The promotion and upholding of human rights is not only a necessary obligation by leaders and duty-bearers, it is also an essential approach for ending AIDS as an epidemic, for ensuring sustainable development, and for safeguarding human security.
World Mental Health Day 2024
This statement is jointly released by Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP), United for Global Mental Health (UnitedGMH) and the Seven Alliance on World Mental Health Day 2024. As communities and civil society from the Asia-Pacific, we are reminded of the inseparable relationships between mental health, health systems, and access to gainful employment, especially as they have a compounding effect on key and vulnerable communities living with and/or affected by HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria. Read more here.
Introducing our new Communications Officer, Ken Khoo
GFAN AP introduces Ken Khoo who joins the Secretariat as the Communications Officer!
Reflection: Communities Leading the Way Towards Mental Health Integration into HIV and TB Care
Reflections on the joint mental health webinars #1 and #2 co-organised by GFAN AP, Seven Alliance, and UnitedGMH, written by Yves Miel Zuniga.
GFAN AP Webinar: Mental Health Series #2
The Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP) hosted a webinar on 4 September 2024 co-organised with United for Global Mental Health and the Seven Alliance as the second of its three-part series on mental health. Read more for the summary of the webinar focusing on the bi-directional relationship between HIV/TB and mental health, the work of country partners implementing relevant mental health interventions and the work of L’Initiative in supporting mental health programming.
GFAN AP Webinar: Mental Health Series #1
The Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP) hosted a webinar on 27 June 2024 co-organised with United for Global Mental Health and the Seven Alliance as the first of a three-part series on mental health. Read more for the summary of the webinar focusing on the bi-directional relationship between HIV/TB and mental health and the work of the Global Fund to support mental health programmes.
GFAN AP Updates Call 13 June 2024
On 13 June 2024, GFAN AP held an update webinar to inform partners on the activities that it had conducted in the past months as well as shared plans for the coming months.
The Future of the Global Health Initiatives and the Lusaka Agenda: What it is and Where are We Now?
This webinar was designed to respond to concerns expressed by GFAN AP partners about the limited awareness and engagement of community and civil society in Asia-Pacific on this important global health topic. Specific to GFAN AP’s priorities are the impacts of FGHI-related discussions and outcomes on health and development financing at both the global and regional level.
World Malaria Day 2024: Accelerating the Fight Against Malaria for a More Equitable World
The Global FundThe Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP) commemorates World Malaria Day 2024, with the theme “Accelerating the fight against malaria for a more equitable world” which underscores the urgent need for even more comprehensive and holistic strategies and concerted efforts to eliminate malaria globally alongside goals to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2030.