A letter was sent to the Federal Minister of Health of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, H.E. Dr Osagie Ehanire.

For the Fifth Replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) in 2016, Federal Republic of Nigeria pledged USD 10,000,000 to the Global Fund for the 2017 – 2019 allocation cycle. Since the inception of Global Fund in 2002, Federal Republic of Nigeria has contributed USD 28,624,253 to the Global Fund becoming one of the few implementing countries from the African Region which is also contributing to the fight against the three diseases through the Global Fund.

To get back on track for the fight against the three diseases we need to step up total funding to at least USD 83 billion for the next three-year cycle for 2020 – 2022, an increase of USD 17 billion where most of the increase will come from increased domestic funding.

The Global Fund’s Investment Case for the Sixth Replenishment projects that domestic funding for programmes to fight HIV, TB and malaria over the period 2020 – 2022 will grow to USD 46 billion, an increase of 48 percent over the current cycle. As such, it is crucial that national governments take proactive steps towards sustainably increasing domestic resources for health and towards the three diseases. This also means taking concrete steps towards fulling the commitment of the Abuja declaration on allocating at least 15% of the annual national budget to improve the health sector.

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