[Singapore, 4th September 2019] Global Fund Advocates Network Asia Pacific (GFAN AP) and the India Working Group for Health Advocacy (IWG) welcomes the increased pledge from the Government of India to USD 22 million to the Sixth Replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) from USD 20 million for the Fifth Replenishment in 2016. The announcement was made by the Minister of Health and Family Welfare of India, Dr Harsh Vardhan, on the 3rd of September 2019. Since 2006, the Government of India has contributed USD 46.5 million for the fight against HIV, TB and malaria through the Global Fund.

The Government of India also played a crucial role and made history by becoming the first implementing country of the Global Fund to host the Preparatory Meeting of the Sixth Replenishment Conference, which took place 7 – 8 February 2019 in New Delhi, India. It is also the first implementing country to pledge for the Sixth Replenishment.

“India’s increased pledge to the Sixth Replenishment of the Global Fund showcases the Government of India’scommitment and demonstrated solidarity to step up the fight against the three diseases. India has also defined ambitious targets at the national level in fighting the three epidemics – including ending TB in India by 2025; five years ahead of the global target. Such ambition also requires concrete actions to increase domestic resources and allocations for health and we hope that India will reflect the same commitment in fighting the three diseases at the country level,” said Dr KhuatThi Hai Oanh, Chair of GFAN AP Steering Committee and Executive Director of the Centre for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (SCDI) in Vietnam.

“This increased pledge by the Government of India to the Sixth Replenishment of the Global Fund sets an example for all the donors of the Global Fund including the governments, private sector and private foundations donors to come together in the fight against AIDS, TB and malaria. As communities and civil society in India, we urge the Government of India to action commitment nationally by increasing the national budget allocation for health from 1.2% of GDP to 2.5% of the GDP, annually”, said Sonal Mehta, Chief Executive of India HIV/AIDS Alliance – a Global Fund civil society Principal Recipient, and member of the IWG.

This year, the Global Fund embarked on its Sixth Replenishment process to raise at least USD 14 billion which will contribute towards saving 16 million lives, cutting the mortality rate of HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria in half, and contribute towards stronger health systems by 2023. The unwavering support of the Government of India towards Global Health and the role of communities and civil society in Global Fund programmes through the Global Fund’s SixthReplenishment will present us with an opportunity towards the acceleration of progress towards SDG 3 through building and strengthening resilient systems for health; reinforcing health security; spurring domestic investment of USD 46 billion; tackling inequalities in health including gender and human rights related barriers to access; and yielding a return on investment of 1:19 with every dollar invested.


Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific

The Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP) is a platform of community and civil society advocates for a successfully resourced Global Fund. It supports community and civil society mobilisation in the areas of increased domestic financing for HIV, TB and malaria responses; increased donor contributions towards the Global Fund; and ensuring that policy frameworks on health financing take into account community, rights and gender issues. Please visit www.gfanasiapacific.org for more information or contact Rachel Ong (based in Singapore), Regional Coordinator at rachel.ong@gfanasiapacific.org, or Niluka Perera (based in Colombo, Sri Lanka), Communications and Coordination Officer at niluka.perera@gfanasiapacific.org.

India Working Group for Health Advocacy

The India Working Group for Health Advocacy (IWG) was established at the India Communities and Civil Society Preliminary Meeting for the 6th Global Fund Preparatory Meeting co-organised by GFAN AP and National Coalition of People Living with HIV in India (NCPI+) and hosted by the India HIV/AIDS Alliance on the 13th October 2018 in New Delhi, India. The IWG aims to unite civil society and community voices in strengthening responses for HIV, TB and malaria and build resilient and sustainable health systems with increased domestic resources and meaningful engagement of the communities that are most vulnerable to and affected by the three diseases. For more information, please contact Mona Balani, Consultant at mbalani@allianceindia.org.