Asia-Pacific Communities and Civil Society Statement of Positions on the Post-2022 Strategy of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria
In December 2020, a virtual regional communities and civil society consultation “Towards The Global Fund That We Still Want” was convened by APCASO, as the host of the APCRG Platform, and Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP), in partnership with regional key populations and civil society organisation networks and platforms: Activists Coalitions for TB Asia-Pacific (ACT! AP), Regional Malaria CSO Platform Greater Mekong Sub-Region, Asia-Pacific Network of People Living with HIV (APN+), Asia-Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW), Asia-Pacific Transgender Network (APTN), International Community of Women Living with HIV Asia-Pacific (ICW AP), Asian Network of People who Use Drugs (ANPUD), Youth Voices Count (YVC), and Youth LEAD.
This consultation resulted in the drafting of an Asia-Pacific Communities and Civil Society Statement – The Global Fund That We Still Want – that contains a list of positions in order for the Global Fund to continue prioritising community, rights and gender, and community systems strengthening to be even more inclusive and responsive of the needs of key populations, affected and vulnerable communities, and civil society working on the three diseases and beyond to achieve the 2030 Agenda.
Participate in the ongoing drafting of this statement and make your voices heard!
The deadline for comments is 17th February 2021.
A series of national and regional partner consultations will be taking place in the coming weeks prior to the 6th Partnership Forums, the consultation for the Asia-Pacific region is held from 3 – 5 March 2020. Please contact the focal points on each of these consultations to learn how you can participate.
- GMS Malaria CSO Platform
- APN+
- Bhutan
- Cambodia
- India
- Indonesia
- Nepal
- Pakistan
- Papua New Guinea
- Philippines
- Sri Lanka
- Vietnam
Organisation: Activists Coalitions for TB Asia-Pacific (ACT! AP)
Contact: Jeff Acaba, jeffacaba@apcaso.org
Consultation Date: 8th February 20201, Virtual
Target Participants: Broader TB-affected communities and TB survivors
Organisation: GMS Malaria CSO Platform
Contact: Shreehari Acharya, shreeharia@wearealight.org
Consultation Date: 15th February 20201, Virtual
Target Participants: GMS Malaria Platform Partners Only
Organisation: Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV (APN+)
Contact: Harry Prabowo, harrymurti.prabowo@gmail.com
Consultation Date: 12th February 2021
Target Participants: Only PLHIV from Asia-Pacific region
Organisation: Leak-Sam, Bhutan Network of People Living with HIV
Contact: lhaksambhutan@gmail.com
Consultation Date: 12th February 2021
Target Participants: PLHIV, including KAPs in Bhutan
Organisation: Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance (KHANA)
Contact: Choub Sok Chamreun, csokchamreun@khana.org.kh
Consultation Date: 12th February 2021 (In-person)
Target Participants: 15 representatives from HIV, TB and malaria communities, networks, and CSOs
Organisation: National Coalition of People Living with HIV in India (NCPI+)
Contact: Daxa Patel, daxancpi@gmail.com
Consultation Date: 3rd February 2021 (Virtual)
Target Participants: Representatives from HIV, TB and malaria communities, networks, CCM, KPs, and CSOs
Organisation: Indonesia Jaringan Indonesia Positif (JIP)
Contact: Meirinda Sebayang, meirindas@gmail.com
Consultation Date: 11th February 2021 (Virtual)
Target Participants: 15 participants from HIV, TB and malaria, CCM community member
Organisation: Trisuli Plus Community Action Group
Contact: Achut Sitaula, sitaulaachut@gmail.com
Consultation Date: 7th February 2021
Target Participants: KPs and CSOs
Organisation: Pakistan Association of People Living with HIV (APLHIV)
Contact: Asghar Satti, asgharsatti@live.com
Consultation Date: 3rd February 2021
Target Participants: HIV, TB and malaria constituencies and CSOS, CSO CCM Members
Organisation: Key Population Advocacy Consortium
Contact: TBC
Consultation Date: TBC
Target Participants: TBC
Organisation: Action for Health Initiative (ACHIEVE)
Contact: Mara Quesada, mara.quesada@gmail.com
Consultation Date: Spread over 1st and 2nd week of February 2021
Target Participants: HIV and TB communities and civil society
Organisation: CARE Consortium
Contact: Sathya Bashna, sathyabashna@gmail.com; Niluka Perera, nilukaperera13@gmail.com
Consultation Date: 5th February 2021 (Virtual)
Target Participants: Communities, CCM (CS) Members, KAP Committee Members, Implementing Organisations
Organisation: Center for Community Development (SCDI)
Contact: TBC
Consultation Date: TBC
Target Participants: TBC
We encourage you to share this draft statement and the link above to your networks and peers. Feel free to organise your own consultations and discussions with your colleagues and community members and do share your valuable inputs with us.
Your feedback and information from the country consultations will be collected to refine the statement for your sign-on as well as disseminated broadly prior to the 6th Partnership Forum 3 held 3 – 5 2021 for the Asia-Pacific region.
This way, we can make sure that the next Strategy of the Global Fund is the Global Fund that We Still Want!