Nepal has been a recipient country of the Global Fund since 2004 and has signed over US$ 317.5 million for 19 grants for HIV, TB and malaria programmes. Nepal is also part of Multicountry Asia IHAA and Multicountry East Asia and Pacific APN grants supported by the Global Fund.
The Audit Report on Global Fund Grants in Nepal released in August 2019 reports that Nepal is making significant progress in tackling HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. The number of patients on antiretroviral treatment has increased by 25%, the TB treatment success rate is stable at 91%, and malaria cases have declined significantly.
Nepal has been identified by WHO as one of 21 countries that have the potential to eliminate malaria by 2020. Currently Nepal is headed into elimination by 2025 with activities rolled out across all its 77 districts.
Nepal is part of the Breaking Down Barriers Initiative which was initiated in 2020 to operationalise Strategic Objective 3 of the Global Fund Strategy 2017 – 2022. As part of this initiative, a Baseline Assessment was conducted in 2018, a Mid-term Assessment was completed in 2021 and produced the National Strategic Plan to Reduce Human Related Barriers to HIV and TB Services: Nepal 2019 – 2024.
About the action
The action in Nepal is led by Blue Diamond Society.
Colleagues from Blue Diamond Society met on the 7th March to learn and fold the cranes in preparation for the Global Week of Action.
European Commission
On 9th March, LGBTIQ community members – Manisha Dhakal, Sanjay Sharma, Bhumika Shrestha, Saroj Tamang, Elyn Bhandari and Aditya Rai met with EU Ambassador to Nepal H.E. Mrs Nona Deprez to present the letter and discuss the impacts of the Global Fund.
On 10th March, LGBTIQ community members – Manisha Dhakal, Sanjay Sharma, Bhumika Shrestha, Saroj Tamang, Umesh Shrestha and Aditya Rai met with Mr Simon Heinkele, Deputy Head of Development Cooperation of the German Embassy to Nepal to present the letter and discuss the impacts of the Global Fund.
On 10th March, colleagues from Blue Diamond Society met with Counsellor Ingrid Buli from the Norwegian Embassy to present the letter and discuss the impacts of the Global Fund.
United Kingdom and Australia
On 11th March, colleagues delivered the letter to the United Kingdom and Australian Embassy in Nepal, but due to COVID-19 restrictions were unable to meet the representatives of the Embassies.
Social Media
Colleagues in Nepal joined us on social media for the Global Week of Action.
Find out more on how you can support here.