Via LibreGlobal Fund Advocates Network Asia Pacific and the Platform for ACT-A Civil Society and Community Representatives have launched a nomination process to identify two civil society and community representatives to the Steering Committee of the Future of Global Health Initiatives (coordinated by Wellcome Trust).

The Future of Global Health Initiatives process convenes a diverse group of stakeholders from across high-, middle- and low-income country governments, global and regional health organisations, research institutions and civil society, to review the roles and responsibilities of the GHIs. It is led by two Co-Chairs, Mercy Mwangangi, Chief Administrative Secretary of the Kenyan Ministry of Health, and John-Arne Røttingen, Ambassador for Global Health of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and supported by a Secretariat hosted by the Wellcome Trust. The process aims to provide specific recommendations for more efficient, effective and equitable arrangements, and catalyse collective action to shape a global GHI ecosystem that is fit purpose through to 2030 and beyond. The Steering Group will act as a sounding board, guide the work and ensure buy-in to the Future of Global Health Initiatives process. More information about this process can be found here.

Civil Society representatives will collectively bring the following skills, experience and attributes to the Steering Committee. In order to be considered for the role, applicants are asked to indicate in the application form examples of how they meet the following requirements:

    • A person affiliated to an NGO or Community-based organisation, group or network in Asia Pacific or Latin America and Caribbean regions (Those based outside of these regions will not be considered)
    • Hold a senior level role within their organisation (with decision making authority and be senior to – or at the same level as – colleagues who hold GHI Board seats)
    • Direct experience/expertise engaging in global health initiatives (as advocates and/or programme implementers)
    • Experience and expertise of global health issues, policies and programmes (working with national governments, multilateral organisations and/ or donors)
    • Fluency in written and spoken English

How to apply

To apply, please review the full terms of reference (saved here) and complete the form saved here by Thursday 24 November 2022. You will be asked to submit the following documents:

    • A complete application form which can be downloaded here
    • CV/resume (maximum 2 pages)
    • Letter of reference from the NGO to which you are affiliated (if applying as an NGO representative) or from a Community representative or colleague (if applying as a Community representative)

If you have any questions, please email: