
Communities and Civil Society in Africa and Asia-Pacific call on World Leaders to #MeetTheTarget to achieve #TheUHCThatWeNeed

Co-led by Civil Society For Malaria Elimination (CS4ME), Global Fund Advocates Network Africa (GFAN Africa) and Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP), the following statement is developed through consultations led and facilitated by CS4ME, GFAN Africa and GFAN AP, and encompasses priorities from statements developed by processes led by the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (CSEM), C20 Political Statement of 2022, and APCASO.

We strive to achieve #TheUHCThatWeNeed which puts the last mile first, prepare ourselves to prevent and/or face unforeseen threats of future pandemics and end TB as an epidemic.

Please see below for the full statement.

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