Thanking Asia-Pacific Partners for Driving HIV, TB and Malaria Advocacy in 2024
The Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP) extends deepest appreciation to all national, regional and global partners for collaborations and partnership in 2023 that have enabled and empowered the movement and marks remarkable camaraderie and solidarity for health advocacy related to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund).
In addition, GFAN AP underwent an independent process to strengthen its governance model and steering committee membership which was led by Ms Ruth Morgan Thomas, an activist who has been involved in sex work for 40 years – as a full time sex workers, academic researcher looking at HIV-related risks in the sex industry and as a sex workers’ rights advocate campaigning for, developing and maintaining services and support for sex workers within a rights and labour framework. Ruth recently retired as the Global Coordinator of the Global network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) which was formed in 1992 and has extensive experience working globally and in the Asia-Pacific region on community and grassroots organisations as well as with multilateral institutions such as UNAIDS and the Global Fund. The report “Working together to strengthen the foundations of GFAN AP” is available here.
The report reflects the strategic partnerships and the collaborative impact of these efforts and commitments from communities and civil society in the Asia-Pacific towards UHC and the Global Fund and their dedication towards shaping policies that are inclusive and equitable.