APCASO is a regional civil society network of health and social justice community-based and non-government organisations, with a focus on advocacy and community capacity development in Asia and the Pacific. APCASO envisions just and inclusive societies that respect, fulfil and advance the rights of communities most in need – thereby hastening the end of the AIDS epidemic and other health challenges.

Founded in 2007, APCOM is a coalition of members – governments, UN partners, non-profits and community based organisations – from Asia and the Pacific. APCOM represent a diverse range of interests working together to advocate on, highlight and prioritise HIV issues that affect the lives of men who have sex with men and transgender people, including rights, health and well-being.

As the regional representative body of people living with HIV (PLHIV), APN PLUS leads the regional PLHIV response in collaboration with member networks. APN+ and member networks continue to rise in reputation, ability and responsibility. When partnering with communities and grassroots organizations, APN+ supports member networks to become the leading authority and representative of PLHIV in their own countries.

The Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW) plays a key role in identifying and creating opportunities for sex workers, analysing trends, critically assessing new research and policies, and engages in advocacy with relevant decision makers to improve the lives of sex workers in Asia and the Pacific. Over the years, APNSW has successfully reached out to sex workers in over 22 countries, and supported the establishment of new sex worker groups, fostered solidarity between groups and established partnerships with other networks.

The Asia and Pacific Transgender Network (APTN) was launched in 2009, with transgender people from various Asia and the Pacific countries coming together to champion the health, legal and social rights of trans people. Over the years, APTN has worked to build relationships with trans communities, organisations, governments, healthcare providers and other key stakeholders throughout the region. APTN’s work, reports and publications have helped guide social policy reform and human rights advances for trans people in many countries in the region. APTN is a leader in advocating for the health and rights of trans and gender diverse people throughout Asia and the Pacific.

The Global Fund Advocates Network Africa (GFAN Africa) is a continent-wide social movement that demands health for all by recruiting, connecting and mobilizing health advocates (individuals and organizations) to communicate the urgent need for a fully funded Global Fund to defeat HIV, tuberculosis and malaria as epidemics. GFAN Africa also leads civil society and communities in efforts towards advocacy for Governments to increase the allocation of domestic resources for health. GFAN Africa seeks to maximize the impact of investments in health and to save lives.

The Regional Malaria CSO Platform in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) is a network of more than 50 Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and community representatives from the Global Fund RAI implementing countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. The Platform serves as the CSO consultation mechanism for the RAI and RAI2E RSC CSO representatives. The platform plays a key role in advocacy, communication, and community engagement through different activities. The Platform also provides a common space to all CSOs from the GMS that are working on malaria or working with malaria vulnerable and affected communities through other development programs. The Regional Malaria CSO platform, GMS for 2018-2020, is hosted by the American Refugee Committee (ARC).

Youth LEAD is the Asia Pacific Regional Network of Young Key Populations, comprising of young drug users, sex workers, MSM, transgender and living with HIV. It was initiated as the project funded by UNFPA APRO in 2010 and eventually evolved to become a regional network in 2012 and received its legal registration in 2014 in Thailand. The key areas of work are advocacy, capacity development, knowledge management and strategic partnership. Currently Youth LEAD has networking in more than 20 countries with more than hundreds of focal points. The regional secretariat office is in Bangkok.

Youth Voices Count (YVC) is a regional network of young lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex individuals in Asia-Pacific working on SRHR, SOGIESC, Youth Empowerment, and Human Rights issues. Established in 2010, YVC engages in community mobilization, national, regional and global advocacy related to young people belonging to diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and sex characteristics.